Speaking Engagements

Kate’s expertise is an investment in staff wellness leading to improved productivity, profitability, retention and recruitment. When Kate talks about social change with workplace groups, participants are finally able to put words to things they have felt and struggled with for years. They leave feeling validated, heard, and energized – because the beauty of social change is that you don’t have to wait for someone else to make an impact; everyone has the power to make changes in their lives today.

Option 1: Masculinity in the Workplace: Who does this work for? Is Mark Zuckerberg right – do we need more “masculine energy” in the workplace? Is more aggression the answer? Is the “manosphere” inevitable? In a no-blame, direct way, Kate breaks down the shifting gender dynamics of the past 30 years, and how workplace norms have / haven’t kept up. (Hint: women don’t want special treatment; they want equal treatment. And most men don’t benefit from tough guy masculinity.) Kate maps out strategies for teams and organizations that help everyone come out ahead.

Option 2: Rewriting Norms: Rethinking Gender at Work and Home: Social norms permeate our lives at work and at home, subconsciously influencing our decision-making and actually limiting our choices. But we don’t have to abide by them. We can write our own norms! Kate helps groups see the gender norms surrounding them and works with groups to be more intentional in their actions. Kate takes the conversation beyond the headlines, providing real solutions that benefit individuals, teams, and organizations. (Makes a great sequel to Option 1)

Facilitate a Series or Workshop: Do you have more time? I can work with your group to create a longer event, or series, designed just for your group. This is particularly helpful for departments or organizations looking for genuine, sustainable change. Feel free to reach out for a free 30-minute consultation about what might look like for you.

Sometimes messages about equality and masculinity don't really sink in until a man says them — or it comes from a man's story, experience, or perspective. For this reason, I am excited to partner with the following friends and experts for co-facilitated events.

Meet my Co-facilitators

For more information please feel free to reach out to askkatemangino@gmail.com


"Kate's presentation was FANTASTIC. Her calm, collected, kind and empathetic way of communicating really connected with the audience."

"I’m in awe of how easily Kate navigates language and issues that are often sensitive. We loved working with her, and based on the thoughtful questions we received, it’s clear this topic resonated with our audience."

"The interaction with participants exceeded expectations."
—Ohio State University / WIMS (Women in Medicine and Science)

"Thank you so much for spending the afternoon with us! It was such a powerful topic and workshop. The data and tactics you present are so important for so many workplaces and homes."

"Thank you for an amazing session. The response was absolutely phenomenal and it was clear that the topics resonated with so many of our colleagues from all walks of life."

"Our organization engaged in a month-long workshop with Kate, and it was an incredibly powerful learning experience for two dozen dads...myself included! Kate's down-to-Earth approach to the work truly met dads where they're at, and led to a comfortable and engaging learning environment."
—Dad Guild